The golf swing is the way to transfer as much kinetic energy you want to from the club to the ball so that it may go in flight hitting the hole position at the correct angle and position.
How to Improve Golf Swing
Swinging the golf ball may seem an easy task but requires a lot of energy and skill to do so. Experienced golfer’s swing looks so effortless making you wonder how simple it would be. The smooth and swift arc and the easy motion of the club are achieved with continuous practice and training.
So if you are looking to learn some basic points about swinging or want to improve your game here are some tips you can apply to get your swing smooth and effortless as it may seem while looking at it while the master golfers do so.
Addressing Technique:
One of the basic things for improving your swing is to choose the correct stance and addressing technique to swinging your ball. So the tips for the setup before you swing the ball and address it are:
- The golfer must hold the club with straight down hands flowing from the shoulders.
- Bent the knees in a comfortable position
- The upper body must be tilted forward straight.
- Clubface must be kept perpendicular to the target
- The body weight must be evenly divided among two feet and the feet must be parallel to the target line
- The width of the distance between the feet must be chosen properly according to the distance and the type of club you are using
This is the portion while swinging when you move the club backwards and ends when the clubface gets parallel to the ground. So to keep the swing in good track and on the point you must follow these tips in this portion of the swing:
- During the takeaway, the shaft of the club is parallel to the ground and club must point straight ahead parallel to the line of target
- The face of the club must point slightly towards the ball
- You must keep care that your wrists don’t hinge during the takeaway
- Both of your hands must be in front of your chest during the takeaway
This is the portion of the swing where the takeaway ends and will end at the top of the swing. The tips to follow to improve your backswing portion are:
- Starting from addressing the ball till you reach the top your swing it must be assured that your left hand is kept straight throughout.
- Left heel must not be raised or tilted and be kept still on the ground during the backswing
- The right knee must be flexed during the backswing and not to straighten up
- The left knee must be bent as to point towards the ball
- Hips must be rotated gradually with the backswing
- The angle of the spine with the ground must be kept intact
Top of the Swing:
This is the position between when you address the ball and the moment of impact. This is the transition between backswing and downswing and following tips must be applied to improve this position:
- The left wrist is flat during this position
- The shaft of the club must point straight at the target
- The back of the golfer must face the target
- Wrists are hinged fully during this swing position
This is the portion of the swing between top of the swing and the instant the club and hands impacts with the ball. The tips for this portion of swing are:
- Hips must uncoil with the shoulder and arms following it.
- During the backswing the weight must be shifted towards the left foot
- You must proceed your downswing more faster than the backswing
Impact Swing:
This is when the club hits the ball in flight. To get a pure strike on the ball these points must be kept in mind:
- The left knee must be bent slightly during the impact
- The hands and hips must slightly point towards the target
- During the impact the head must point down towards the target throughout
Follow through Swing:
Last but not the least portion of the swing is the follow-through. Getting the desired follow-through position indicates that you have gone through all the swing steps perfectly. Some of the tips for that are
- At the follow-through position hand must be released naturally
- The club should circle the golfer’s body
- The hips must be focusing on the target
- The entire weight is shifted towards the left foot.
So these are some of the most important tips to follow to improve your whole swinging action and get your desired hits. Hopefully, you find them helpful and practice them constantly to polish your golfing skills.
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