For any kind of sports to maintain your zest and perform great, the most important thing is to maintain your energy and body stamina. While playing golf you may think that it may not need such fitness but the truth is different from it.
Best Exercises for Golfers
To get a good swing and to maintain good body posture or to walk a few yards while playing you need to keep your body in tone and good fit. For this purpose, the best option is to exercise. It will help you build good stamina and you will feel a great difference in your performance afterwards.
So there are some of the easy to do and best exercises for golf player that will help you improve your stability and core strength so you can swing greatly with increased control and may save you from injuries to muscles.
To strengthen your lower body muscles lunges are a great exercise to perform. It’s a simple leg exercise. Start from a standing position. Keeping your body straight with shoulders and back relaxed you’re your one leg forward lowering the hips until both the legs are at a 90 degree angle. Point your chin upwards. Repeat it with the other leg. This exercise will increase your endurance and you will have more toned and stronger legs and butts.
Another great exercise to increase the stability and strength of your core is to do a plank. This exercise will activate all your core muscles. Lying face down now place your palms on the floor on the sides of your shoulders. Push your body away from the floor making your arms straight.
Keep your back straighten and hold tighten your abdominal muscles. Hold the position for about 20 to 60 seconds. You can start from less and gradually increase your time.
Lower yourself back down and repeat the exercise a few times.
Slow sit-ups:
This again is a great exercise for your core muscles increasing your stability and endurance. The exercise start with lying flat on the ground with biceps on the ear and arms pointing behind you. Keeping your legs still slowly try sitting up moving your hands towards your toes. Try to engage your core as much as you can to sit up. Then slowly lower yourself back on the lying position. Repeat the exercise several times.
Cat Camels:
This exercise is for strengthening the hip muscles and the muscles around lower back and core and for increasing the mobility of the spine. This exercise will strengthen the hip flexor muscles and the erector spinae muscles and will activate the abdominal and hamstring tilts towards the pelvis.
Get onto your hands and knees and slowly move your back from arching and rounding position such that all 3 portions of your back that are lumbar, thoracic and cervical flex and relax together. Repeat it several times but slowly and gently.
This exercise is great in building and strengthening your leg muscles. This exercise also promote muscle mass building all over the body. The main target areas are abdomen, calves, hamstrings and quadriceps.
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and legs straight. Now slowly bend your knees keeping your neck and back straight. Pushing your bum backwards make your quads parallel to the ground. Hold the position for some seconds.
Stand back up. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
Full body stretch:
This exercise is great for decrease the muscle stiffness after the game and improves the posture along with improving the mechanical efficiency and performance. This will keep you safe from muscle injury and relaxes muscles and relieve the tensions or pain in the muscles.
Simply stand with your back straight with arms on your sides. Step forward into a lunge position with your right foot keeping the left foot straight behind with your left toe on the ground. Place both of your palms on the ground toward the left side and hold this stretch for around five seconds. Now rotate your right arm and chest with the right hand pointing towards the sky. Stretch as far as you can and hold for five seconds. Repeat it with the left hand too. Then switch the leg.
So these are some simple exercises you could perform daily within half an hour or a bit more. These will build your core strength and your body will be more flexible and active and your performance will also boast up greatly.
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